Iowa City Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
Leave Your Workers’ Comp Case to Our Professionals
Injured workers should be able to rely on workers’ compensation insurance provided by their employer to get back on their feet. This insurance is designed specifically to care for injured workers by covering all their necessary expenses. When done right, workers’ comp also helps the employer because the worker can return to their job sooner than later. Yet many workers’ compensation claims encounter resistance from the moment they start due to insurance company and employer interference.
When you need to file a workers’ compensation claim, turn to LaMarca Law Group. With us by your side from the start, you can feel confident that your case will be respected by your employer and their workers’ comp insurance provider. If it is not, then they need to get ready for a legal fight from an experienced team of attorneys.
On This Page
- Support for Every Worker
- Does Workers’ Compensation Apply to Any Injury?
- Workers’ Compensation & Liability
- What Benefits Can You Get?
- Serious Counsel for Serious Workplace Injury Claims
Find out more about workers’ compensation cases in Iowa by dialing (515) 705-0233.
Support for Every Worker
LaMarca Law Group, P.C. is proud to offer our legal services to workers from every industry. Whether you have just started working for a mom-and-pop shop or have worked for a major corporation for years, you deserve workers’ compensation if you get hurt on the job.
We can guide and represent workers from these industries and more:
- Law enforcement
- Firefighting
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Foodservice
- Hospitality
- Transportation
- Office work
- Manufacturing
- Maintenance
We can guide you through the entire workers’ compensation process, so you do not risk missing out on an important benefit. If you have already started your claim and the insurance company has denied or delayed it, then you can count on us to step in, take over, and press the issue. We make sure that our clients are well respected by insurers and employers alike.
Does Workers’ Compensation Apply to Any Injury?
Workers’ compensation insurance should cover any work-related injury. This definition is intentionally left somewhat broad, so the coverage applies to more injured workers. Essentially, if you were completing a job-related duty when you were hurt, then you should get workers’ compensation benefits. A “job-related duty” can include washing the floor, stocking a shelf, helping a customer out to their car, typing a report, etc.
Injuries often suffered by workers and that qualify for workers’ compensation include:
- Repetitive stress injuries
- Burn injuries
- Head injuries
- Back injuries
- Occupational illnesses
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Workers’ Compensation & Liability
It is important to realize that workers’ compensation is a no-fault-based insurance system. Under this set of rules, liability is not required to determine if you deserve benefits or not. In other words, you can be the only party liable for your work injury and still get benefits. For example, if you were climbing down a ladder, missed a step, fell, and got hurt, then you can file for workers’ comp even though no one else caused the accident.
On the other hand, workers’ compensation only covers accidents. You can be denied workers’ comp benefits if your injury was caused deliberately or by your willful engagement in an egregiously dangerous activity that was not part of your job. For example, if you were running around the office with a coworker for fun when you collided with a printer and got hurt, then your workers’ compensation claim would likely be denied.
What Benefits Can You Get?
The benefits of workers’ compensation are designed to help you recover from your work-related injury without denting your finances. For this reason, workers’ comp is considered an employment benefit for most non-contracted employees in Iowa.
The three most important benefits available through workers’ compensation are:
- Medical care: The entirety of the costs associated with your necessary medical care should be provided by the insurer. An insurance company might try to avoid providing these payments by arguing that some treatments were not medically necessary, though.
- Wage replacement: You can earn a portion of your average pre-injury wages if your injury keeps you from returning to work shortly after it occurs. If your injury is permanent and you can’t return to your prior work, then you could qualify for long-term disability benefits.
- Retraining: Your employer is required to take reasonable action to find suitable and safe work for you if you are disabled from the injury. If starting a new job would require you to pay for retraining, certifications, or specialized education, then those costs should be provided.
Serious Counsel for Serious Workplace Injury Claims
Get our Iowa City workers’ compensation attorneys on your side right away if you were hurt at work, no matter what industry you work in. We want to personally make sure that you get all the benefits you need to recover fully and comfortably. If that means that we must fight an insurance company in and out of court, we will be ready – just as we have been for countless claims in the past.
Put more than 100 years of collective legal experience in your corner. Contact our firm now by calling (515) 705-0233.