What if I feel at fault? Should I make a statement?
Auto accidents can happen with little or no warning, and are often confusing and violent events. As someone involved in the auto accident, you may not be in the best position to objectively determine the cause of the crash. It is up to the involved parties’ insurance providers, local law enforcement agencies, and, in some instances, the parties’ attorneys to determine fault and liability in the event of an auto accident. It is important that you never make a statement admitting guilt or accepting fault in the event of a car accident. You should not give a statement to the other party’s insurance company without first seeking advice as to your legal rights and adequate preparation so that you can accurately answer all questions that you will be asked.
An auto accident attorney from our Des Moines, Iowa law firm can review your case and help determine who the liable party is, as well as determine the nature and amount of their liability insurance available to cover your legal damages.