Des Moines Back Injury Lawyer
Work-Related Back Injuries in Iowa
Back injuries are among the most common work-related injuries. Employees across a broad range of industries sustain debilitating back injuries every year, putting them out of work and necessitating costly medical treatment. This can cause workers and their families to experience significant financial hardships, making it difficult to get back on their feet and move forward.
If you or someone you love suffered a serious back injury on the job or due to working conditions, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. The workers’ compensation system is meant to aid employees who suffer serious work-related injuries by providing them with medical and wage replacement benefits, as well as other types of benefits. In many cases, workers’ compensation is available for work-related back injuries.
We encourage you to reach out to our Des Moines back injury lawyers at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. for help with your claim. With over a century of collective experience, our attorneys are well-versed in Iowa’s workers’ compensation laws. We know the system, and we know how to effectively advocate for you. Our goal is to recover the maximum benefits you are owed so that you can focus on getting proper medical treatment without having to worry about mounting bills while you are out of work.
For a free initial consultation, please call us at (515) 705-0233 or contact us online. Hablamos español.
Common Causes of Work-Related Back Injuries
Work-related back injuries occur due to a variety of accidents and working conditions.
Back injuries are commonly caused by:
- Improper lifting
- Repetitive motions
- Straining
- Insufficient training
- Excessive force/exertion
- Inactivity
- Poor posture
- Improper/lack of workplace safety guidelines
- Falls, including slip and falls
- Third-party negligence
- Motor vehicle accidents
Remember, with workers’ compensation, you do not have to prove fault to recover benefits. If you are a covered employee and your back injury qualifies, you are entitled to receive compensation. You may be eligible for short-term disability or long-term disability, depending on the specifics of your situation, including the severity of your injury.
We encourage you to reach out to our legal team as soon as possible for a free consultation. Our Des Moines back injury lawyers can help you understand your options and work to recover all the benefits you are entitled to receive.
Types of Work-Related Back Injuries
Workers across all industries—from construction to office work—experience a wide range of back injuries on the job every year. While many of these injuries will ultimately heal on their own, back injuries are notoriously painful and, in the most severe cases, can be debilitating. Some back injuries will even lead to permanent, total disability.
Some of the most common work-related back injuries include:
- Sprains and strains
- Lower-back injuries (lumbar injuries)
- Slipped discs (also known as bulging or herniated discs)
- Spinal cord injuries
- Spinal/vertebral fractures
- Pinched nerves
- Degenerative disc disease
- Thoracic spine injuries
- Neck sprains and strains
- Whiplash
Regardless of the type of injury, many back injuries result in severe pain and require extensive medical treatment. Victims may require emergency attention, multiple surgeries, and pain management through medications and other methods. They will often need physical rehabilitation therapy and other ongoing care, as well.
At LaMarca Law Group, P.C., we understand the immense impact back injuries can have on victims and their families. If your injury has prevented you from working, whether for a period of weeks, months, or years, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. Our experienced team is ready to help you file your claim and work tirelessly to recover the compensation you deserve.