Des Moines Wrongful Death Attorneys
Large commercial trucks, such as 18-wheelers and semi trucks, are a common feature on America’s highways, interstates, and others roads. Unfortunately, due to their size and weight, these vehicles pose a serious threat to the safety of others on the road. Accidents involving commercial trucks are often far more devastating than other types of vehicular collisions, potentially even leading to the tragic loss of victims’ lives.
If you or someone you know has lost a loved one in a trucking accident, you may be entitled to seek compensation for the tragedy you have suffered.
Contact a Des Moines wrongful death lawyer at LaMarca Law Group, P.C., today by calling (515) 705-0233 to speak with a knowledgeable legal professional about the details of your case and learn more about your legal rights and options.
Causes of Wrongful Death
There are a variety of ways in which a trucking accident can lead to the death of others. The following are some of the most common causes of wrongful death trucking accidents:
- Driver error
- Driver intoxication
- Auto defects
- Roadway defects
- Employer negligence
Although compensation cannot bring your loved one back, it can help cover funeral costs as well as loss of financial support, companionship, and other damages.
Contact Us
If you or someone you know has lost a family member in a trucking accident, you should speak with a qualified attorney about what you can do to get the justice you deserve.
Contact the Des Moines wrongful death lawyers of LaMarca Law Group, P.C., by calling (515) 705-0233 today to discuss your case and what we can do to help you fight back against the negligence of truck drivers, trucking companies, and other such parties.