Defective Medical Products and Devices
The advances made in medical technology over the course of the last two centuries are simply mind-blowing. X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, pacemakers, defibrillators, and countless other developments could scarcely have been imagined by even the most creative minds in decades past.
Now these items are almost commonplace, and they enable doctors to perform their jobs with greater success and help patients to live better, longer lives. That is, of course, when medical products and devices function as intended, or at the very least when they cause no harm to those that they are intended to help.
If you have been hurt by a defective or malfunctioning medical product or device, then you may be entitled to seek resolution through legal action against the maker of the faulty item. The financial compensation gained through a successful lawsuit can address additional medical bills and other damages as appropriate.
Contact the Des Moines product liability lawyers of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. at (515) 705-0233.
Why You Need a Lawyer
When you visit your healthcare provider, you’re putting your trust not only in the medical professionals helping you, but in the facility, methods, and tools they’re working with. Suffering an injury due to a defective medical product or device is not only damaging to your body, but it’s also potentially disruptive to many other parts of your life as well. These cases can be incredibly complicated and time consuming. Because of this, filing a lawsuit without the help of an experienced lawyer is not recommended, as it often results in failure to reclaim financial compensation and takes away valuable time and energy that could be spent on your recovery.
Even if they are in the right, people who try to represent themselves in cases such as this rarely ever win because they aren’t used to navigating injury claims the way lawyers every day on the job. While it may seem more expensive to hire a lawyer than to jump into your case by yourself, it’s unlikely that you’ll win enough money to cover your damages in addition to covering the time you spent taking off work to attend meetings and court dates. A lawyer who has dealt with defective medical products cases before can help you understand your position going into your case, explain complicated legal proceedings, consult with experts, analyze evidence, and argue for you in court. Working with a trustworthy and knowledgeable lawyer is the best choice for your health, your finances, and your peace of mind.
Why You Should Choose LaMarca Law Group to Handle Your Case
At LaMarca Law Group, P.C., we advocate for our clients every step of the way. We understand that you’re going through a very difficult time, and we are in a position to help, which we don’t take lightly. After suffering an ordeal as tragic as being injured by a defective medical product, you deserve to be treated with respect and consideration during the process of collecting compensation for your injuries, pain, and suffering. Our firm has been helping people in situations like yours for decades, and we are considered one of the leading law firms in the state. Our exceptional lawyers have been asked to speak at legal seminars throughout Iowa, passing on their own knowledge to other lawyers and legal professionals, and have also acted as mentors to young law students. The practical skills and detailed knowledge that our attorneys possess are part of the reason why our firm has been so successful at winning cases for so long, and why we can win yours, too. We approach every case with the compassion our clients deserve.
We don’t believe that you should be subjected to continuous pain because of a situation that was entirely out of your hands, and we’re prepared to defend you in court so you can get the compensation you need to recover from it. Defective medical products can cause injuries that may never heal, and you deserve justice. Don’t let your accident just be swept under the rug; contact your Des Moines product liability lawyers of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. today at (515) 705-0233.
Potential Problems
Part of the reason that defective medical products and devices are so frightening is that they have the capacity to injure or kill a patient from the time that he or she enters a health care facility until the device’s natural expiration date. Minor defects may simply annoy users, but more serious ones pose an imminent threat to safety. Some potential problems are:
- Cardiac arrest (due to a defective pacemaker)
- Electrocution or burns (from a defective defibrillator)
- Cancer (caused by excessive radiation)
- Overdose or under dosage (by a defective measuring device)
The products liability statute of limitations in Iowa is two years after the victim sustains the injury, but there are certain conditions which may affect it such as gradually acquired problems like cancer from excessive radiation. Products liability claims must also be filed within fifteen years of receiving the product, such as a pacemaker, unless that product comes with a warranty that exceeds fifteen years. All of the examples listed above are serious injuries that can even lead to death, and our firm wants to help you hold the manufacturer responsible. Whether you have been injured by faulty medical equipment at a hospital, doctor’s office, or in your own home, you have the right to fight back against the injustice you’ve been through. If you know you’ve been harmed by defective medical equipment or products, don’t hesitate to take action. Call today (515) 705-0233 to learn more about your next steps moving forward.
Contact Us
We understand how difficult this time has been for you and your loved ones. Let us help to keep it from being harder than it already is.
Contact the Des Moines product liability lawyers of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. at (515) 705-0233 if a defective medical product or device has hurt you.