From the very moment you encounter a severe car crash, you need to work to recognize your right to pursue compensation. Unfortunately, many insurance companies look to try and take advantage of your rights after an accident. The steps you take, though, can help your ability to navigate the claims filing process in a successful manner.
While it won’t completely sabotage your case if you don’t take these steps, it can make it more difficult to get the outcome you deserve. Because we want to help you move forward, we’ve provided you with a guide below to help you protect your rights in the most effective manner possible.
Here are 7 steps you can take to protect your rights after a crash:
- Exchange vital information
- Report your accident to your insurance
- Report your accident to law enforcement
- Take photos of everything
- Speak with witnesses
- Seek medical care
- Hire a lawyer
Call our firm today at (515) 705-0233 to discuss your potential case.
1. Exchange Vital Information
Speaking with the other driver who you believe to be responsible for your crash is vital. You need to gather important information from the other driver that you can provide to your insurance company. You will also be providing your own information so that the other driver’s insurance company can help manage the claim.
Some of the information to exchange includes the following:
- Driver’s license information
- Contact information
- Insurance policy information
- License plate formation
Make sure you get as much information as possible. The more information you can provide your insurance company, the easier it is to communicate with all parties throughout the process.
2. Report Your Accident to Your Insurance
You should contact your insurance provider to report that the accident occurred. Let them know what happened, and if the other driver said something that can show they were at fault. Remember, though, you should only report facts about the accident. You don’t want to make any statements that the other driver’s insurance company may try to use against you down the road.
3. Report Your Accident to Law Enforcement
If you experience an injury or your vehicle has significant damage, you want to report the crash to local law enforcement. Police can help make sure a situation is calm and provide a police report with statements from all parties.
4. Take Photos of Everything
The photos you take can be very helpful when building a car accident claim. Here are some of the most important photos to take after your crash:
- Photos that may show negligence at the accident scene, such as tire brake marks
- Photos that show the location and damages to all vehicles involved
- Photos that can show any injuries you sustain
5. Speak with Witnesses
If there are any witnesses in the area who can help your statement, you can speak with them about what they saw. If possible, ask them to write out their statement, sign and date it, and provide contact information for the insurance company to contact them.
6. Seek Medical Care
Seeing a doctor is one of the most important things you can do because you’re able to focus on your health. Medical care provides you with treatment options to start your recovery. Even more, it provides you with a medical record to show how severe your injury is.
7. Hire a Lawyer
Protecting your rights after a car accident means having the right legal counsel to safeguard you from the insurance company and their tactics. A lawyer knows the laws concerning your losses and can help you seek the maximum compensation available to you.
At LaMarca Law Group, P.C., we commit to your needs. Our Des Moines car accident attorneys go the extra mile to help you obtain the compensation you need and deserve. We’ll safeguard you from unethical insurance companies and hold negligence accountable when it matters most.
For a free consultation, call our firm today at (515) 705-0233.