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Premises Liability at Home


Being a homeowner is a large responsibility. Not only are there financial responsibilities that must be considered, but there are also legal responsibilities. One of these responsibilities is making sure that your home is safe for yourself and for others. As a homeowner, you are responsible for making sure that your house and property are safe for anyone who visits, and that any potential hazards are dealt with in a timely manner.

If you have been injured at someone else’s home or on their property, you may deserve compensation for your injuries. Premises liability can provide you with a challenging burden of proof. You need an experienced premises liability attorney to assist you as you pursue compensation for your injury, pain, and time lost from work. Contact the Iowa premises liability lawyers at LaMarca Law Group, P.C., by calling (515) 705-0233 to get the help you need.

Your Safe Home

If you are invited to a person’s home or property for any reason except for business purposes, you are considered a licensee by the law. As a licensee, you have a legal right to expect to be kept reasonably safe and to be made aware of any potential dangers. Whether it is a broken step or a loose railing, there can be many hidden dangers in a home, especially one that you are not familiar with. The following three conditions must be established in most premises liability cases:

  • The homeowner knew or should have known, about the potential danger
  • The homeowner failed to take reasonable steps to repair or indicate the danger
  • The licensee did not know, or could not have known, about the risk

If you have been injured at someone else’s home, you may be able to secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries and pain through a successful premises liability lawsuit.

Contact Us

If you have been injured in someone’s home, please contact your Iowa premises liability lawyers at LaMarca Law Group, P.C., by calling (515) 705-0233.
