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Protecting Against Trade Libel


Competition can become fierce in the business world; this is a simple fact that any entrepreneur should be ready to cope with. Unfortunately, some businesses are not above taking unfair or even illegal actions to disparage their competitors. If you are running your own company or plan to do so, it is important to know how to recognize and fight back against trade libel.

Trade libel is similar to defamation of character committed against an individual; the key difference is that it targets a company instead of a person. If your business is suffering because of libelous statements being made against it, Your Iowa Lawyers at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. can help. Call us today at (515) 705-0233.

Proving Trade Libel

If your company has been a victim of trade libel, a civil claim could help you end the problem and perhaps receive compensation for your financial losses. However, winning your claim will not likely be easy. You will need sufficient evidence that:

  • The defendant has made damaging statements about your company, services, or products. These statements may have been made in almost any format, but they must have been directed at someone other than you or your employees.
  • These statements are false. Accuracy is always a defense against libel. You will also need to show that the defendant knew they were false, or at least failed to make an effort to verify them before publishing them.
  • These statements have been portrayed as factual. Subjective statements that are simply matters of opinion are not grounds for legal action.
  • Your company has suffered some kind of financial loss as a direct result of these statements.

As you can imagine, proving all of these factors in court can be a challenge. However, an experienced Iowa trade libel lawyer will know effective strategies for gathering and presenting the facts you need.

Contact Us

Fighting business defamation is difficult, but you do not have to do it alone. The Iowa trade libel attorneys at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. can help you end illegal practices that are harming your company. Contact us today at (515) 705-0233.
