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Understanding Workers’ Compensation


Unfortunately, workplace accidents are not as uncommon as people may think. In 2007, 4.2 out of every 100 workers suffered from a non-fatal injury while on the job. That same year, almost 5,500 employees died as a result of a workplace injury. If you are involved in an occupation that is particularly risky or that puts you in a potentially harmful environment, then you should familiarize yourself with the term “workers’ compensation” and learn about your legal rights after a workplace injury.

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a term used to describe the form of insurance all companies should have purchased to cover the health expenses of an employee injured on the job. In exchange for this compensation of medical bills, the worker gives up all rights he or she has to sue or take legal action against the employing company.

Workers’ compensation laws vary from state to state. In Iowa, workers’ compensation laws require that employees provide compensation for medical bills and wages lost because of the injury. In order for you to qualify for workers’ compensation, you must meet the following qualifications:

  • Hired in Iowa or perform the majority of your work in Iowa
  • Given the employer notice of the injury within 90 days after its occurrence

Your employer will have the freedom to choose what medical attention will be delivered to you, but he or she will pay for it. Of course, any disputes that may arise because of this issue may be settled through negotiations. You are allowed to ask for an alternate form of medical care if you are unsatisfied with the one selected for you.

Contact Us

The Des Moines personal injury attorneys of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. are ready to help you with your post-injury action plan. Please call our offices today at (515) 705-0233 to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified lawyers.
