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Food Poisoning and Restaurant Negligence


When we decide to purchase a meal from a restaurant, we should be able to take it for granted that the food will be adequately prepared and safe to eat. It is not only good “business sense” for a restaurant to be careful about hygiene issues; it is a legal requirement. Unfortunately, as with all other kinds of business, there are some restaurant owners and managers who fail to meet the duties of their jobs.

One of the biggest risks of negligence in the kitchen is food poisoning, a term that covers all food-borne illnesses and contaminants. If you or a member of your family has suffered from food poisoning after eating at a negligently managed restaurant, you may be able to win financial compensation for your related losses. Call your Iowa lawyers of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. at (515) 705-0233 to learn more.

Preventing Food-Borne Illness

Food poisoning can be caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, contaminants, or natural poisons. Every restaurant employee should be educated about these dangers and how to prevent them. If they are not, food poisoning can be spread in many ways, including:

  • Spoiled food caused by poor refrigeration or storage techniques
  • Bacteria found in raw or undercooked meat
  • Contaminants such as lead or mercury caused by negligent preparation or storage
  • Failure to adequately wash all utensils, serving dishes, and preparation surfaces
  • Inadequate hygiene among kitchen workers
  • Incorrect preparation of potentially dangerous foods like pufferfish or certain mushrooms

The consequences of such errors can range from one or two days of mild illness to life-threatening medical conditions. If you have suffered major injuries or lost a loved one due to a restaurant staff’s errors, our Iowa food poisoning attorneys can help you fight for justice.

Contact Us

The Iowa food poisoning injury lawyers of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. will defend your rights as aggressively as necessary. Contact our offices at (515) 705-0233.
