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Iowa Workers’ Comp Death Benefits


A major workplace injury may not just have long-lasting consequences for the injured person; his or her family can also be affected in many different ways. In the most tragic cases, an employee may even die from injuries sustained in a workplace accident. When this occurs, workers’ compensation does provide some assistance for surviving family members.

If your family has lost much-needed income or benefits after the loss of a loved one, our Iowa workers’ compensation attorneys can help you receive the compensation you need. Call your Iowa lawyers, LaMarca Law Group, P.C. today at (515) 705-0233.

Benefits for Surviving Families

Iowa workers’ compensation death benefits exist because of a belief that surviving loved ones should not be left destitute after a workplace death. Paying them is not an admission of fault on behalf of an employer or insurance company. They simply exist to help families in a difficult time.

These benefits can be paid to:

  • The deceased person’s spouse, until he or she remarries
  • The deceased person’s children until age 18, or 25 if dependence continues
  • Any other relatives who can demonstrate dependency on the deceased person

Such benefits will take the form of regular payments (usually weekly) to the people who qualify. These payments will be based on a percentage of the deceased worker’s salary, within a legal maximum and minimum amount. Families can also be compensated for funeral costs up to $5,000.

Unfortunately, receiving fair compensation is sometimes a struggle for families who are already coping with countless other challenges. That is why our Iowa workers’ compensation death benefits lawyers are committed to doing everything we can for affected families.

Contact Us

At the offices of LaMarca Law Group, P.C., we fight hard for every case we take on. Contact our experienced Iowa workers’ compensation attorneys today at (515) 705-0233.