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Railroad Crossing Deaths in 2013, an Analysis by the Des Moines Register


According to the Des Moines Register Special Report published on July 27, Iowa averages 57 accidents, 4.5 deaths, and 21 injuries at railroad crossings annually. The number of deaths for 2013 has already reached six, the highest since 2007. Accident data in Iowa show that since 1975 the leading cause of train accidents can be attributed to cars or pedestrians failing to stop at the crossings.

Railroad crossing accidents increased in 1981, with the Federal Railroad Administration noting that crashes amounted to 9,400 and deaths totaling 728.

According to the article, one factor for explaining why railroad accidents happen is the fact that only one-quarter of Iowa’s 4,320 railroad crossings are gate-controlled, and only 19 percent have warning lights.

Sadly, train accidents and improperly marked crossings cause devastating injuries for many Des Moines residents. Call a lawyer from LaMarca Law Group, P.C., at (515) 705-0233 to find out how you may be able to seek justice and compensation in such a situation.
